The Nonce-nce of Web Security: An Investigation of CSP Nonces Reuse

Aug 24, 2023·
Matteo Golinelli
Matteo Golinelli
Francesco Bonomi
Bruno Crispo
· 0 min read
Content Security Policy (CSP) is an effective security mechanism that prevents the exploitation of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities on websites by specifying the sources from which their web pages can load resources, such as scripts and styles. CSP nonces enable websites to allow the execution of specific inline scripts and styles without relying on a whitelist. In this study, we measure and analyze the use of CSP nonces in the wild, specifically looking for nonce reuse, short nonces, and invalid nonces. We find that, of the 2271 sites that deploy a nonce-based policy, 598 of them reuse the same nonce value in more than one response, potentially enabling attackers to bypass protection offered by the CSP against XSS attacks. We analyze the causes of the nonce reuses to identify whether they are introduced by the server-side code or if the nonces are being cached by web caches. Moreover, we investigate whether nonces are only reused within the same session or for different sessions, as this impacts the effectiveness of CSP in preventing XSS attacks. Finally, we discuss the possibilities for attackers to bypass the CSP and achieve XSS in different nonce reuse scenarios.
Workshop on Attacks and Software Protection at ESORICS 2023
Matteo Golinelli
CyberSecurity PhD Student
My research interests include cloud and web security, with special focus on web caches and proxies.